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Proclinic's Copper NiTi archwires, manufactured by G&H Wire in the USA, contain the optimum alloy of Titanium, Copper and Chromium for the best thermal properties of the wire. Proclinic Brand Copper NiTi archwires have a precise transition temperature of 27°C, thus achieving optimum relative strengths for tooth movement.

Many orthodontists induce the martensitic phase by cooling the wire with a spray (e.g. our Essix Cooling Spray ref. L1590), to reach a temperature well below the transition temperature (27°C) and thus make it easier to place the archwire in the mouth. After placement and due to the body temperature, the wire changes from a martensitic to an austenitic phase, causing an increase in the level of forces and shape memory of the archwire.

Proclinic's Copper NiTi archwires with stops allow the practitioner to fit these pre-loaded stops with How or Weingart pliers.

*Products compatible with the Damon technique.
Content: PACKAGE 10u

Proclinic does not assume responsibility for any damages or losses caused by the inappropiate use of these products which are designed strictly for professional dentists.